Brighton & Hove City Council




4.30pm20 May 2021


Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber





Present:   Councillors Robins (Chair), Mears (Deputy Chair), Allcock, Appich, Bell, Clare, Deane, Evans, Fowler, John, Meadows, Mac Cafferty, Powell and Shanks








        Council Business - Newly Elected Councillors


        The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that as well as having a successful election for the Police & Crime Commissioner, there had been two by-elections. He stated that he wanted to thank the Electoral Services Team for running a smooth set of elections and all those who supported the process both on the day of voting and during the two count sessions.


        The Mayor then invited Councillor Mac Cafferty as the Convenor of the Green Group to introduce the newly elected Member of the Green Group.


        Councillor Mac Cafferty thanked the Mayor and formally introduced Councillor Zoe John as the new Green Member for Hollingdean & Stanmer Ward.


        The Mayor then invited Councillor Bell as the Leader of the Conservative Group to introduce the newly elected Member of the Conservative Group.


        Councillor Bell thanked the Mayor and formally introduced Councillor Anne Meadows as the new Conservative Member for Patcham Ward.


        The Mayor welcomed the new councillors to the City Council and stated that he hoped they would find their term of office to be an interesting and fulfilling one and wished them luck in their new roles.




        Declarations of Interest


        There were no declarations of interest in items appearing on the agenda.




        Mayoral Report 2020/21


        The Mayor introduced the annual report for 2020/21 and moved that it be noted.


        RESOLVED: That the report be noted.




        Mayor's Communications.


        The Mayor gave the following communications, firstly, there was the sad news that the former Mayor of Hove from 1985 to 1986, Bob Allen, has passed away; and I have learnt today that former MP Mike Weatherley lost his fight to cancer this morning. He therefore called a minute’s silence as a mark of respect for both.


As we all know, His Royal Highness Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh passed away on the 9 April. A Service was recorded in All Saints Church and made available on the Council’s website on the 16 April coinciding with the eve of the Funeral.  I would like to thank all those involved in making the service such a lovely event to mark his passing and enabling it to be made available to all who wished to see it. I believe it is still available for viewing.


The Mayor then offered the Council’s congratulations to Councillor Garry Peltzer Dunn and Councillor Leslie Hamilton who have both completed 50 years (!) of service, albeit with some breaks in between.

Once they reach 50 years of continuous service, he suggested that a Mayoral reception would be in order.


Finally, on a matter of protocol, the Mayor asked that Councillors address him as Mr Mayor. He felt that it had been confusing, and that was the correct form of address, so that would be very helpful, going forwards.




        Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2021/22


        The Mayor invited nominations for the position of Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the municipal year 2021/22.


        Councillor Robins was proposed by Councillor Allcock and seconded by Councillor Appich.


        Councillors Mac Cafferty and Bell as the Leaders of the Green and Conservative Groups gave their support for the nomination of Councillor Robins on behalf of their respective Groups.


        The Mayor stated that there being no other nominations that he would put the motion to the vote.


        The Mayor declared that the motion had been carried and that Councillor Robins had been duly elected Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the forthcoming municipal year 2021/22.


        Councillor Robins made and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Mayor.


        RESOLVED: That Councillor Alan Robins be appointed Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the municipal year for 2021/22.




        Appointment of the Deputy Mayor for Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2021/22


        The Mayor invited Councillor Bell to propose the Deputy Mayor for 2021/22.


        Councillor Bell proposed that Councillor Mears be appointed as the Deputy Mayor for Brighton and Hove for the municipal year 2021/22, and this was formally seconded by Councillor Meadows.


        The Mayor noted there were no other nominations and put the motion to the vote which was carried.


        The Mayor declared that Councillor Mary Mears had been duly elected as Deputy Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the forthcoming municipal year 2021/22.


        Councillor Mears made and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Deputy Mayor.


        RESOLVED: That Councillor Mary Mears be appointed the Deputy Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the municipal year 2021/22.




        Appointment of the Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021/22


        The Mayor invited Councillor Clare to propose the appointment of the Leader of the Council.


        Councillor Clare proposed that Councillor Mac Cafferty should be appointed as Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2021/22 and this was formally seconded by Councillor Shanks.


        The Mayor noted that there were no other nominations and put the motion to the vote which was carried.


        RESOLVED: That Councillor Mac Cafferty be appointed as the Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2021/22.




        Appointments for 2021/22


        The Mayor moved that for the municipal year 2021/22 the following appointments be agreed:


             Joint Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillors Clare and Shanks (job-share);


             Co-Leaders of the Official Opposition, Councillors Allcock and Appich (job-share);


        The Mayor then moved that:


             The following appointments to various positions be noted:


Convenor of the Green Group, Councillor Mac Cafferty;

Joint Deputy Convenors of the Green Group, Councillors Clare and Shanks;

Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor Allcock;

Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor Evans;

Leader of the Conservative Group, Councillor Bell;

Deputy Leaders of the Conservative Group, Councillors Nemeth and Simson.




             That the appointments of Councillors Clare and Shanks as Joint Deputy Leaders of the Council for the municipal year 2021/22 be agreed;


             That the appointments of Councillors Allcock and Appich as Co-Leaders of the Official Opposition for the municipal year 2021/22 be agreed;


             That the appointments listed above in 8.2 (c) for the municipal year 2021/22 be noted.




        Review of Political Balance 2021/22


        The Mayor stated that the next item concerned the allocation of seats between political Groups, the appointment of Chairs, Deputy Chairs and Opposition Spokespersons to the various Committees. It also detailed the proposed membership of the various Committees, Panels, Boards and Working Groups; as well as the appointments of representatives to outside bodies for 2021/22.


        The Mayor moved that the report of the Chief Executive be agreed.




             That the appointment/re-appointment of the committees with the sizes and allocation of seats between political groups as detailed in the report and in appendix 1 to the report be approved;


             That the allocation of seats as detailed in the report and appendix 2 to the report be approved;


             That having received nominations for the municipal year 2021/2022 to the following Committees from the 3 political groups as detailed in appendix 2 to the report, these Committees and Sub-Committees be constituted and appointed to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of the Council and the number of Members and allocation of seats to the Party Groups (apart from co-opted Members) as detailed in appendix 1 to the report and as specified below be agreed:


Policy & Resources Committee – Councillors Mac Cafferty (Chair), Druitt (Joint Deputy Chair), Gibson (Joint Deputy Chair), Allcock (OS), Bell (OS), Appich, Clare, Evans, Miller and Yates.


Children, Young People & Skills Committee – Councillors Clare (Chair), John (Deputy Chair), O’Quinn (OS), Brown (OS), Grimshaw, Hamilton, Lloyd, McNair, Meadows and Nield.


Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee – Councillors Heley (Chair), Lloyd (Deputy Chair), Wilkinson (OS), Nemeth (OS), Bagaeen, Davis, Fowler, Hills, Hamilton and Platts.


Housing Committee – Councillors Gibson (Joint Chair), Hugh-Jones (Joint Chair), Hills (Deputy Chair), Williams (OS), Mears (OS), Barnett, Fowler, Meadows and Osborne.


Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee – Councillors Osborne (Joint Chair), Powell (Joint Chair), Rainey (Deputy Chair), Evans (Joint OS), Grimshaw (Joint OS), Simson (OS), Brown, Childs, Ebel and Littman.


Policy & Resources (Recovery) Sub-Committee – Councillors Mac Cafferty (Chair), Allcock (OS), Appich, Clare, and Miller.


Personnel Appeals Sub-Committee – (3 from a pool of Members with designated reps) Councillors Littman, Grimshaw and Peltzer Dunn.


Audit & Standards Committee – Councillors Yates (Chair),  Hugh-Jones (Spokes), Hamilton, Meadows (OS) Moonan, Phillips, Peltzer Dunn and Shanks.


Licensing & Licensing (2003) Committee – Councillors Deane (Chair), Davis (Deputy Chair), Henry (OS), Simson (OS), Atkinson, Bagaeen, Ebel, Heley, Knight, Lewry, Moonan, Phillips, Rainey, Theobald and O’Quinn.


Licensing 2003 Sub-Committee (3 from the parent committee with designated reps) – Councillors Deane (Chair), Henry (OS) and Simson (OS).


Planning Committee – Councillors Littman (Chair), Ebel (Deputy Chair), Childs (OS), Theobald (OS), Barnett, Fishleigh, Janio, Shanks, Theobald and Yates.


Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Councillors Moonan (Chair), Brennan, Deane, Henry, John, Lewry, McNair, Meadows, West and Wilkinson.


Health & Wellbeing Board – Councillors Shanks (Chair), Nield (Deputy Chair), Fowler (OS), Bagaeen (OS) and Appich.


Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee – Councillors Nield (Chair), Appich, Fowler, Mears and Shanks.


Greater Brighton Economic Board – Councillors Mac Cafferty and Allcock.


Great Brighton Economic Board Call-in Panel – Councillor Bell.


Orbis Joint Committee – Councillors Gibson and Appich


Asset Management Board – Councillors Hugh-Jones (Chair), Evans, Gibson, Mears and Yates.


Black Rock Project Board – Councillors Druitt (Chair), Childs and Mears.


City Downland Estate Advisory Panel - Councillors Hugh-Jones (Chair), Brown, Henry, O’Quinn and West.


Community Safety Partnership Board - Councillors Powell (Chair), Grimshaw and Simson.


Corporate Parenting Board - Councillors Hills (Chair), Brown, Grimshaw, Nield and O’Quinn.


Homeless Reduction Board – Councillors Gibson (Chair), Mears and Williams.


Housing Supply Members Board – Councillors Gibson (Chair), Mears and Williams.


i-360 Project Board – Councillors Druitt (Chair), Bell and Moonan.


King Alfred Project Board – Councillors Mac Cafferty (Chair), Nemeth and Wilkinson.


Madeira Terraces Project Board – Councillors Rainey (Chair), Miller and Williams.


Prevent Board – Councillor Powell.


Procurement Advisory Board – Councillors Osborne (Chair), Yates (OS) Miller (OS), Druitt and Evans.


Royal Pavilion Trust Board – Councillors Mac Cafferty (Chair), Bell and Robins.


Safeguarding Board – Councillor Clare


Strategic Delivery Board – Councillors Mac Cafferty (Chair), Appich (OS), Bell (OS), Druitt and Evans.


Royal Pavilion Shadow Trust Board – Councillors Robins, Mac Cafferty and A. Norman.


Waterfront Project Board – Councillors Druitt (Chair), Henty and Miller.


Budget Review Working Group – Councillors Gibson, Appich and Miller.


Constitution Review Working Group – Councillors Clare (Chair), Nemeth and O’Quinn.


Cross Party KPI Development Group – Councillors Hugh-Jones (Chair), Moonan and Simson.

Cross Party Working Group on Planning Policy – Councillors Littman (Chair), Childs and Theobald.


Cross Party Youth Group – Councillors Clare (Chair), Brown and Grimshaw.


Joint Staff Consultation Forum – Councillors Mac Cafferty (Chair), Allcock, Bell, Evans, Gibson and Shanks.


Leaders Group – Councillors Mac Cafferty (Chair), Allcock and        Bell.


Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Working Group – Councillors Heley (Chair), Lewry and Wilkinson.


Member Development Working Group – Councillors Davis (Chair), Bagaeen, Lewry O’Quinn, Shanks and Williams.


Members Advisory Group Grants – Councillors Littman,      Hamilton and Simson.


One Voice Partnership – Councillors Hugh-Jones (Chair),    Grimshaw and Simson.


Performance & Information Group – (Invitees all Members of HWB and HOSC); Councillors Shanks (Chair), Bagaeen, Fowler, Moonan and Nield.


Planning Members Working Group – Councillors Littman    Childs and Theobald.


School Organisation Working Group – Councillors Clare, Brown, Hamilton, Nield and O’Quinn.


Stanmer Park Working Group – Councillors Lloyd (Chair),   Fowler and Nemeth.


Valley Gardens Working Group Councillor Davis (Chair), Nemeth and Wilkinson.


Youthwise – Councillors Clare, Brown and O’Quinn.


             That in having regard to (3) above, those Members listed as Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokesperson (OS) of the respective Committees, Sub-Committees and Forums as detailed in appendix 2 to the report be agreed;


             That in having regard to (2) above, the P&R Recovery Sub-Committee and an Urgency Sub-Committee for each Committee be approved in accordance with Procedure Rule 22 (such committee being politically balanced but not included in the total number of seats for the purpose of allocating seats);


             That in having regard to (2) above, it be agreed that for the purpose of enabling meetings of the Personnel Appeals Panel (sub-committee) to be convened without disproportionate difficulty, the make-up of such panels need not be politically balanced although every effort would be taken to achieve it and that it also be agreed that:

             Although the Panel has the Members referred to in Appendix 2 as its standing Members, where any of the 3 Members is not available, any Member of the Council who has received appropriate training shall be eligible to sit on the Panel;

             The Head of Democratic Services be authorised to set up the Panel, as and when needed with the permanent Members or, where any of them is not available, by including any other eligible Member of the Council, having regard to the need, where possible, to secure cross party representation;

             The above arrangements and those set out in paragraph 2.5 of the report are intended to operate as “alternative arrangements” for the pursuant to section 17 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990; and


             That the appointment of representatives to various bodies listed in Appendix 3 of the report be agreed;


Name of Organisation

Appointments 2021/22

Brighton & Hove Legacy fund

Councillors Littman, Grimshaw and Lewry.

The Brighton Fund

Councillors Robins (Mayor), Appich, Barnett, Deane and West.

Arts & Creative Industries Commission

Councillors Rainey, O’Quinn and Theobald.

Brighton & Hove Connected

Councillors Mac Cafferty, Appich and Bell.

Brighton & Hove Music Trust

Councillors Hugh-Jones, Miller and Wilkinson.

East Sussex Pension Board

Councillor Druitt.

Local Government Association

Councillors Mac Cafferty, Allcock, Bell and Clare.

South East Employers

Councillors Shanks, Appich and Bell.




        Close of Meeting


        The Mayor thanked everyone for attending the meeting and formally closed the meeting.





The meeting concluded at 5.00pm







Dated this

day of